Thursday, April 8, 2010

Happiness is Spontenous!

This morning, when I checked into my View Blog on Nancy the Mystic, I was so HAPPY to discover that I have now one first person, happy to follow my blogspot! I almost had given up hope and had stopped visiting my site till this morning!!!

So, thank you very much kind, Kathmandu Channel. You will always be remembered with great gratitude for being the first brave enough to sign in, giving me continued inspiration to write on.

Another incidence of "Happiness" for me. On the 4th April, 2010 I went to Shirdi Baba's temple with two packets of "Frogies" chocolates for the kids, which I kept in my bag of hand-instruments, to be distributed after "bajans," (singing).
As I was singing and playing with the musical cymbals, "clang! clang!"clanging, accompanying the Tabla-drummer, an exceptionally beautiful and cute girl,(toddler) came and stood gaping at me, while my eyes were still closed! What a pleasant surprise! When I opened my eyes, I saw such beautiful innocent eyes, a perfectly angelic face with soft curly hair starring at me.

Aha! I suddenly remembered the chocolates in my decorative red little Indian bag!" Hurriedly I pulled out one packet of the chocolates from it and shoved it into the little girl's hands.

She took and held it with amusement! Then, the next moment, she laid the packet on the floor in front of me! Before I could think any further, she laid herself down on the floor beside me and placed her pretty head on the packet of Chocolates, treating it like a PILLOW! Oh! my God! My heart felt so "tickled-happy," to witness this unusual scene of front of the temple, right in front of Baba's stature, and close to his "Slippers!"
Clearly here, God came to Show me, the true meaning of "Pure and Innocent!" To a child's mind the packet of "goodies"is worthless and it looks like a pillow to her. So, she had her choice to make a pillow to suit her fancy at that time! Seeing this, her Mom stretched forward and carried her back to sit on her lap, behind me. Another sweet little 6 year old girl, sitting behind me was watching in eagerness and she loves chocolates, like all kids, if you know what I mean. I had meant to give her the other packet in my bag later, but that had to come out just as well then and thrusted into her earger hands. You can see her face beaming with Happiness!

I was Most Happy to have been shown, that little child that had no desire nor want from life!

All she knew was to play and live!

"To Play and Live," is real blessing than to "Live to Play," as I think it is, somehow!

Anyway, May God Bless Us with Happiness Within!

Peace, Love and Light!
Your friend,

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