Thursday, February 9, 2012

"Accept Change"

I found this little verse which I had kept for so many years and thought I share it with whoever is reading this page.

God, grant me the ability to change those thiings I cannot accept  those things I cannot change  and the wisdom to know the difference.
Today I will remind myself that the only permanent thing in the world is change  and I will welcome the challenge of change. When I willingly accept change, I can make miracles happen.
Today I will remember that the only person I can ever change is me.
To-day I will remember that for things to change for me I will have to change.
To-day I will regconize that I can change where I am and what I am by changing what goes into my mind.

When I was a Manager of a Cooking pot company for many years, I used to get news-letters ever week posted out to me with Motivational verses on one of the pages. I used to cut these out, enjoyed reading  them and then left them here and there in drawers at home! Yesterday I  found this particular one which I like. The words of Wisdom are so True!

However, I wondered who the Brilliant Person that wrote it in the first place. Not me, Ha! Ha! Ha!

Have a Wonderful Time and Life!

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